Rivers in Nepal are treated as goddesses. They are the ever flowing and inspiring source of beauty, abundance and infinite adventure. The rugged topography, extreme variations and excessive snow melting in Nepal make this mountain kingdom blessed with blossoming, flowering rivers, running across the country. This makes Nepal an obvious choice for river adventure.
River journeys in Nepal are electrifying and nerve thrilling. Your life flashes before you as you comfortably hurtle towards monster boulders and towering walls of water. So come let us indulge in this maddening and bone chilling experience.
White River Rafting is becoming an extremely popular, exciting and safe adventure in Nepal .sport with many staircase rapids that challenge the body and the spirit of the river runners. Very few places in the world can match the thundering course of the rivers of Nepal originating from the snow meltdown of the Himalayan terrain. The rivers gush through twisted canyons, crash into rocks, crevices and breaking into wide water rapids, foaming, swirling and flowing in a thunderous din. Actual Adventure offers all levels of rafting excitement with rapids ranging from grade III to VI in most of the popular commercial rivers of Nepal. All our rafting trips are under the care of our experienced rafting guides who have had extensive trainings, wilderness first aid and safety.
We, Actual Adventure private limited is proud to share our wonderful country, culture and our many years of experience in this field with you and give you an excellent opportunity to explore the remote countryside which is never possible without river trips.
Kayaking is usually an individual water sport. Kayaks are made from a special type of plastic and have floatation devices inserted to aid buoyancy. Kayakers move through the water with a double blade paddle understanding river flow, negotiating rapids and obstacles on the river, enjoying unity with nature and the river. We are the No.1 Kayakers in Nepal and as our name suggest, we love kayaking. From learning to kayak to going on once in a lifetime expeditions, we can't think of anything better to do with our time! This is what we do best, and we don't think you'll find anyone that knows the rivers in Nepal better than we do. Kayakers move through the water with a double blade paddle, and are able to negotiate rapids and obstacles on the river. With its wide range of rivers and wealth of challenging rapids, Nepal is the perfect destination for Kayaking. Whether you are a total beginner or an experienced white water kayaker keen to tackle one of our more challenging rivers. Kayakers can enjoy an exhilarating white water experience in Nepal. Steep inclines, evergreen oaks and blue pine, bubbling rapids and rocky banks come together to entertain the adventure seekers. They can also explore local villages and side valleys. It is said that kayaking in Nepal Rivers is one of the best ways to enjoy the country. Big rapids and beautiful scenery make the kayaking trips classic.
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